Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Punting & Ranch Dressing

The title of this weeks blog represents it's high points. Oxford Brookes has been extremely busy lately. It’s right before the mid-term period, so big assignments are due and there’s quite a bit of work for everyone to catch up on. It’s funny to think that this time next week I will be in Paris! Beyond that I’ve started missing a couple things from the US. One such thing is ranch dressing. I got kind of desperate and ordered some off of Amazion.co.uk. It made me feel better that a roommate or two flocked to it once they realized that I had ordered it.  

I’m still getting used to the independent style of learning here. I think it’s been a wake-up call for all of the Americans here. I have my first assignment due for my Sound Recording class tomorrow and it’s about half way finished. It’s kind of scary to think that my first assignment for a class is 25% of my entire grade. Either way, I’m really enjoying the class. I learned how to add effects to recordings using a mixing desk in the last lesson. This class is helping approach music from a very scientific and functional standpoint, which is very different from my normal subjective approach to music.
Recording studio equipment, expensive and initially terrifying.


In other news I went punting with 6 friends yesterday! Punting is when you literally push a boat down a shallow creek with a long hollow rod. I was the first person to ‘steer’ the boat, which was a learning experience. Let’s just say that a long boat filled with 6 people doesn't heed well to a thin, metal pole. The October climate also made holding the cold, wet pole a real treat. While I wasn't the best captain, my friend Bank was a natural, and some others relieved me of my daunting post. After we got past constantly ramming into the banks of the creek the boat ride was beautiful! The leaves have just begun to fall and there were ducks and geese and people out enjoying the last few weeks of nice weather

After the bunting we headed to the Oxford Rendezvous for afternoon tea. We had attempted to go to the extremely posh Grand Café, but sadly they were full when we arrived. I concluded the afternoon with good conversation, a slice of cake, and a cup of English tea. 

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