Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Research Approval & A Trip to London

Having classes on one day a week is starting to wear me down. I’m finding it very hard to go to sleep at a decent hour when I’ve no direct reason to wake up in the morning. The fact that we have friends hanging around the flat until the early hours of the morning doesn’t tend to help either, but the company is worth the sleep deprivation. I think I’ve realized that I prefer the teaching style in the states, but I may change my tune after a few weeks here.
London at night

I’m taking a trip to London this weekend to visit my friend, and fellow HPU student, Sara. I’m really looking forward to exploring the city more! The last time I was in the city I was only able to see a changing of the guard and walk around, a bit. This time around I plan on dedicating more time to museums, shops, and other local sites.
The guards have to remain very still and silent.

I recognize that New York and London are very different cities, but London beats the snot out of NYC. London is so spread out, with beautiful architecture and statues. It’s a very busy city, but nowhere near as dirty or dark as New York. Not to mention that the air is breathable. That’s not to say that New York City doesn’t have its selling points, but I would trade NYC for London in a heartbeat.
 Some pictures of London buildings/streets.

In academic news, my psychology research project should be approved and underway by next week. My research partner and I have been working hard and the design should be submitted by the end of the day. I’m not sure how long the ethics board takes to review such things, but I got the impression from one of my primary investigators that it isn’t a terribly lengthy process. Research always has strict rules for participant wellbeing. It’s been cool, and slightly aggravating, to learn this whole new set of ethics in place in this country.
I’ve also taken part in a few studies through Oxford University and Oxford Brookes. Taking part in these studies is a good way to see how research is conducted across disciplines and is also a great way to make some quick cash. So far I’ve been a subject for a TMS (trans-magnetic stimulation) and nutrition study. The payment from these studies isn’t as much as in the states, but it’s enough to get a week’s worth of groceries or an extra souvenir.
Our kitchen

Living/Dining room

My bedroom (at the beginning of the trip we called it camp)

I suppose that’s all for today. I’ll leave you with this random observation I’ve made: Oxford is covered in spiders. I have seen more spiders here than I have seen in my entire life.

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